Books on Courage and Confidence: Three of My Favorites

Books on Courage and Confidence: Three of My Favorites

Do you run towards, or away from, books on courage and confidence? If you want to say “towards” but the real answer is “away from”, you’re in good company.  Plenty of women want to develop their courage and expand their self-confidence, but the shame of their starting...

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How To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

How To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

As children and young adults, we are required to step outside our comfort zone on a daily basis. Adults challenge us to stretch and grow daily. However, as we mature and our independence expands, we can choose to stay inside our comfort zone more and more, and THAT is...

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How To Rejoin The Workforce After A Long Break

How To Rejoin The Workforce After A Long Break

A friend of mine recently told me that she was considering rejoining the workforce after a long break- eight years, to be exact. I said, “Hey, that’s awesome!” and instinctively raised my hand for a high five just as I realized she was pale. She was worried that her...

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The Word “Should” Has No Place in Your Vocabulary

The Word “Should” Has No Place in Your Vocabulary

In emerging from a particularly challenging season, I used the word "should" in lamenting to a mentor all the mistakes I had made. I was eager to pull myself out of despair but was drowning in shame, guilt, regret, and self-judgment. I was determined to learn from my...

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Why It Is a Good Idea To Ask For A Big Raise

Why It Is a Good Idea To Ask For A Big Raise

When you visualize yourself asking for a big raise, do you feel excited or anxious? Optimistic or pessimistic? Do you feel as if the timing would have to be just right to make your pitch?  Confident business women know when to take risks and when to play it safe. They...

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